Religious Education

St. Vincent de Paul Parish is empowering the children to grow in their Catholic faith  through knowledge of sacred traditions and relationship with Jesus Christ.

Religious Education Classes Grades 1-9

We provide to develop the appropriate religious teaching for all ages - children, pre-school, 1st grade to 9th grade.

Sacrament Preparation for 1st Communion & 1st Reconciliation

Nourishing their hearts to receive the Eucharist:
- Preparing the children for first reconciliation and first communion marks a special step in their journey.
- Through the preparation process, participants will grow in their sense of community, deepen their understanding in a faithful response
The Program:
- Two years of Catholic Education in 1st & 2nd Grade prior of receiving the the Sacraments of Holy Confession & Holy Eucharist. However, children who are higher or older of 1st & 2nd Grade are accepted to enroll.
- Those who are not enrolled in Catholic School shall attend in our Religious Education Program  in 1st Grade, requiring them to fulfill the classes before they proceed the 2nd Grade level, as to receive the two Sacraments. 
- Those who are enrolled in Catholic School shall enroll in our 1st Communion Program before the beginning of their 2nd Grade year.

Confirmation Preparation

Grow in Faith, Deepen their Understanding:
- Preparing the children of their spiritual growth.
- Through the process, candidates or participants will of their sense of community, and that is to deepen their understanding in faithful response.
 The Program:
- Two consecutive years of Catholic Education in 8th & 9th Grade are required to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation at the end of their 9th Grade. The required Catholic Education can be done through Parish' Religious Classes or in a Catholic School.
- Year 1 is focus on building a Catholic identity. Year 2 is on the Sacrament of Confirmation itself.

Young & Youth Ministry

The Parish Church is committed is fostering a Catholic Education for all children and adults:
- We meet 2nd & 4th Sunday of the month, 12:30pm-2:30pm in the Father Farrell Hall. We have games, animation, group prayers, video showing or movies; we serve light meals for everyone.
- Group is open to parish teens and friends. The goal of the young teens & the young adult group is to bring Gospel' message of hope, faith & love to all people around us; thus bringing good relationships with one another. The group is involved in community outreach and make a positive impact in our community of believers.

Sr. Theresa Y Hoang, SJP - Faith Formation Director; Email:; Tel #: 727-938-1974, ext. 108

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